The Importance of Boat Maintenance

Maintenance is a critical aspect of owning a boat. Regular servicing helps keep vessels in tip-top shape and makes them safer and more durable. We often recommend that our customers wash, lubricate, store, and maintain their boats properly and trust … Continued

How To Protect Your Boat Against Corrosion

Corrosion is a boat owner’s nightmare. It causes expensive damage. It quickly spreads. It’s even irreversible! Protecting your boat against corrosion is imperative. Without taking the proper preventative measures, you could face a fortune in repair bills. You may even … Continued

How To Apply Bottom Paint To A Boat

Bottom paint helps protect your boat and improve its lifespan. It’s an important aspect of boat maintenance and it is possible to do without hiring a professional.  We’ve created the following beginner’s guide to applying bottom paint. If you have … Continued

Boat Battery Maintenance

Regular boat battery maintenance is essential. It keeps the battery running well so that you can enjoy more time on the water. It also extends the battery’s life and reduces the need for repairs, saving you money. But it’s one … Continued

Boating In Rough Conditions

In the perfect world, every boating trip would happen on calm waters. But Mother Nature is unpredictable and calm waters are never a guarantee. Even when you plan around the weather forecast, you could still end up having to face … Continued